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来源: 加拿大共生国际传媒  日期:2023-03-11 07:20:16  点击:10440  属于:时事新闻


3月10日上午,公共安全部长马守诺(Marco Mendicino)宣布启动公共咨询,就设立加拿大外国影响透明度登记处(Foreign Influence Transparency Registry in Canada)征集公众意见,旨在确保代表外国政府倡导之人士的透明度和问责制,并确保经常被外国干涉企图所针对的社区得到保护。政府邀请加拿大人分享他们对这一保护我们机制之重要工具的评估看法。


伍凤仪还向华裔加拿大人社区表示,华人之社区的议员,她已经听到了你们担忧和不安的声音。我们看到了反亚裔种族主义的卑鄙抬头,贯穿整个疫情大流行期间,我们现在因为这些党争性的攻击而感受到非常大的不确定,这些党争攻击在播种恐惧和愤怒。像所有其他加拿大人一样,我们的社区深切关爱着加拿大,关爱民主。 我们去做义工,我们去投票,我们发出自己的声音。但有一种感觉我们无法摆脱,那就是怀疑的目光,它们现在在质疑我们为什么要参与,就好像我们很容易就被远方的敌对行为者所操控或影响。 这是绝不可接受的。华裔加拿大人有将近 200 万,遍布全国,所有政党的领导人都需要后退一步,站出来确保我们不会迫使整整一代的数百万加拿大人疏远政治进程。



Consulting Canadians on the merits of a Foreign Influence Transparency Registry

Foreign governments have legal, established, and legitimate channels of engagement with the Government of Canada. However, some foreign governments cross the line from standard diplomacy and lobbying into foreign interference when they seek to exert influence in non-transparent ways. These activities can have serious implications for Canadian interests, national security and democratic processes and institutions.

While Canada has a number of existing tools to support transparency, new measures could be considered, such as a foreign influence transparency registry, which would better align Canada’s approach with those of like-minded partners and allies, bolstering overall collective resilience.

The Government of Canada is engaging a diverse range of stakeholders and the public on a foreign influence transparency registry. A registry will not only expand Canada’s toolkit to confront the evolving threat of foreign interference, but also increase broader transparency around foreign influence in Canada. Key areas of the consultation include:

- registrable activities;
- exemptions;
- information disclosure; and,
- compliance.

How You Can Participate
Review our Consultation Paper that explores measures to enhance foreign influence transparency in Canada.
Respond anonymously to our six-question survey prior to May 9, 2023. Results will be compiled in aggregate form to ensure anonymity.

If you are experiencing difficulty in accessing the online form or have other administrative questions, please contact:  FIPublicConsultations-ConsultationspubliqueEI@ps-sp.gc.ca.

How your information will be used
Input received will be compiled and analyzed to identify key themes, ideas and suggestions to help inform and guide the development of new measures, such as a foreign influence transparency registry. Results may also be used to inform policy and may be shared within the Government of Canada.
All information under the control of Public Safety Canada is subject to the Access to Information and Privacy Act. You have the right to the protection of, access to and correction of your personal information. Instructions for obtaining this information is outlined on the Public Safety Canada Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) website. Any questions, comments, concerns or complaints you may have regarding Public Safety's handling of your personal information may be directed to our Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator by emailing atip-aiprp@ps-sp.gc.ca. If you are not satisfied with Public Safety's response to your privacy concern, you have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the institution's handling of your personal information.

Survey Questions
What types of organizations or entities should be included in the definition of “foreign principal”?

What types of activities and/or arrangements should be registrable?

What activities (if any) should be exempt from registration obligations?

What kinds of information should registrants be required to disclose regarding their activities and to what extent should this information be made public?

What penalties, if any, are required to enforce compliance?

Do you have other views you wish to provide in relation to this consultation?

英语网页: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/frgn-ntrfrnc/cc-en.aspx
法语网页: https://www.securitepublique.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/frgn-ntrfrnc/cc-fr.aspx



