作者:李莎(Lisa Carducci)

李莎电视机前维吾尔族朋友的陶罐 (作者供图)
李莎在蒙特利尔售书会上向魁北克读者介绍中国 (胡宪摄影)
Uyghur pots
By Lisa Carducci
Sitting in front of the TV, I watch at the same time these miniature terracotta pots made by a Uighur from Xinjiang. He offered me that gift during one of my visits. Uighurs are generous people, who like to please others. Offering money to pay for the pottery would have been an offense, and I had nothing to exchange but a smile and a big "thank you”. That was enough for his heart.
When I think back to Trump's allegations -- at the end of 2019, followed in 2020 by Trudeau's allegations about the “Chinese government's treatment of the Uighurs”, my heart feel pain and shame for so little understanding of Chinese policy aiming at all the people, that is the 56 ethnic groups that make up the Nation, being educated (at school) and able to speak the national language (in addition to and not instead of the many ethnic languages) so that all the Chinese people may enjoy without exception the goods and privileges of a modern nation.
Yes, it is true that the recalcitrant Uighurs have been locked up in training camps and forced to learn, but today they are enjoying the advantages of that, and appreciating. They are not forbidden to speak their dialects, of course, but the national language – Chinese – is no longer a "foreign language" to them.