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来源: 加拿大共生国际传媒  日期:2021-07-21 11:08:34  点击:11569  属于:时事新闻
【加拿大共生国际传媒讯】记者 胡宪


原标题:The New National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships Poisons the Canadian Academic Atmosphere



To All Canadian University Leaders:

On behalf of over one thousand Chinese Canadian faculty members across Canada, we, the Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors and the Canadian Association of Chinese Professors, urge you as the university leaders to strongly oppose the newly announced risk assessment process for the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships (the “Process”) and to take appropriate action to rectify.


We believe it is politically motivated and we are deeply concerned about its potential negative and far- reaching consequences (Please see Globe and Mail, The new security research rules threaten universities’ ability to be open and inclusive). The Process was developed without transparency and without consultation with research communities, especially those whose work will likely be impacted.


The Process will produce an anti-intellectual, anti-research climate whereby researchers will self-censor and distance themselves from many cutting-edge fields to avoid jumping through cumbersome bureaucratic hoops, as well as becoming subjects of prejudice. It will dull Canadian research and innovation and is detrimental to our community, university, and Canada.


The  Process  will  reinforce  biases  against  Canadian  researchers  with  minority  ethnic  backgrounds, especially  those  with  Chinese  origin  and connections.  It  will  effectively  be  a  sanction  for  racial  profiling Chinese  researchers  as  foreign  agents.  We  fear  the  systemic  discrimination  that  will  be unleashed against many researchers, especially academics with Chinese backgrounds and anyone with professional connections with research institutions in China.

加拿大政府、资助机构、大学、教师协会和民权组织应该注意有关美国联邦调查局和司法部行为的严重问题。人们对美国联邦研究安全举措如何影响华裔美国研究人员感到严重担忧,这些担忧来自胡安明博士的审判程序。越来越多倡导团体、研究人员和一些大学领导地抗议此类研究安全举措造成的严重危害。麻省理工学院校长 Rafael Reif 和斯坦福大学校长 Marc Tessier-Lavigne 以保护研究人员的权利和大学的完整性大学领导树立了榜样。

Canadian governments, funding agencies, universities, faculty associations, and civil rights organizations should take notice of the serious questions about the conduct of FBI and the Department of Justice in the US. There are grave concerns about how the US federal research security initiatives have affected Chinese American researchers, which have emerged from Dr. Anming Hu’s trial proceeding. There has been growing protest among advocacy groups, researchers, and some university leaders about serious harm caused by such research security initiatives. MIT President Rafael Reif and Stanford University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne have set examples of university leadership standing to protect the rights of researchers and the integrity of universities.


We believe that the Process threatens the reputation of Canadian universities as dynamic, innovative, open and inclusive communities. We call on your action and support to fight for academic freedom for the future of Canadian academia and universities and to fight against systemic discrimination in science and engineering.


Thank you very much for your consideration and actions. We look forward to hearing from you.

加拿大华人教授协会 (CACP)
加拿大华人教授协会 (CACP)

Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors (CACP)
 Canadian Association of Chinese Professors (CACP)

(Both Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors and Canadian Association of Chinese Professors are independent associations of scholars of Chinese descent and have no political affiliations.)
