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【共生传媒】伍凤仪部长及楚萱歌部长与亚裔社区会谈重申:联邦政府致力于和亚裔加拿大人站在一起同抗击针对 亚裔的种族主义

来源: 加拿大共生国际传媒  日期:2021-03-28 01:56:51  点击:10278  属于:时事新闻


2021 年 3 月 26 日–安大略渥太华

小企业、出口促进和国际贸易部长伍凤仪(Mary Ng)阁下以及多元化、包容性及青年事务部长楚萱歌(Bardish Chagger)阁下 3 月 26 日发表如下声明:


“自 COVID-19 疫情大流行开始以来,我们看到仇外的言论和找替罪羊的思潮助长了歧视和暴力。在我们继续抗击这场疫情大流行并努力实现包容性的复苏之时,重要的是我们必须继续致力于抗击所有形式的反亚裔种族主义和歧视,建设一个有意识地主动包容他人,并对所有人更安全的社会。


“梅丽乔(Joyce Murray)部长、国会议员董晗鹏(Han Dong)、陈圣源(ShaunChen)、叶嘉丽(Jean Yip)、萨雷(Randeep Sarai)、费凯迪(Hedy Fry)和肯·哈迪(Ken Hardie)、以及执法部门的领导人也出席了会议,以直接听取社区的声音。作为一个社会,一个政府和一个国家,我们都必须采取行动,抗击针对亚裔的种族主义,并阻止污名化和错误信息的传播,无论是在网上、在街道上、在家里还是在工作场所。




March 26, 2021 – Ottawa, Ontario

The Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, and the Honourable Bardish Chagger, Minister of Diversity andInclusion and Youth, today issued the following statement:

“The Government of Canada is committed to standing with Canadians of Asian descent from coast to coast to coast against the drastic rise in anti-Asian racism and hate crimesin Canada. Canada’s commitment to inclusion, diversity and multiculturalism isunwavering and offers no place for any forms of racism or discrimination. These harmful acts of anti-Asian racism must stop, and we condemn all forms of it.

“Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen discrimination and violence fuelled by xenophobic rhetoric and scapegoating. As we continue to fight this pandemic and work toward an inclusive recovery, it is important that we remain committed to combatting anti-Asian racism and discrimination in all of its forms to build a society that is consciously more inclusive and safer for all.

“As part of our government’s ongoing work to take action against anti-Asian racism, we met today with Asian community and business leaders and allies from Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton to discuss how the Government of Canada can best support them and collaborate in the fight against anti-Asian racism. Joël Lightbound, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness,
participated in the discussion on behalf of Minister Blair.

“Minister Joyce Murray and members of Parliament Han Dong, Shaun Chen, Jean Yip, Randeep Sarai, Hedy Fry and Ken Hardie were also present, as well as law enforcement leadership, to hear directly from the community. As a society, as a government and as a country, we must all take action to combat anti-Asian racism and stop the stigma and the spread of misinformation, whether online, on our streets, in our
homes or in the workplace.

“No one should ever feel unsafe or threatened because of who they are. As a government, we have a responsibility to take action, and we will continue to work with communities of Asian descent to take concrete steps to confront all forms of anti-Asian racism and discrimination.

“Our work does not stop here. We also call on all Canadians to support and stand with their friends, family and neighbours of Asian descent during these difficult times and to take action against anti-Asian racism.”




联系电话:胡宪  514-246-3958,胡海  010-15901065716