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19th CPC National Congress to plan for political reform

来源: 加拿大共生国际传媒  日期:2017-10-18 00:02:48  点击:12919  属于:News

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will map out overall reform measures about the country's political system and other systems, a spokesperson for the congress said Tuesday.[Special Coverage]

Based on the systematic review of achievements and experience of reform in the past, the congress will strive to address outstanding issues that have emerged in practice and work out overall reform measures, Tuo Zhen told reporters.

"We will unswervingly move toward the goal of improving and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernizing China's state governance system and capability," Tuo said.

"All the achievements China has made in reform and development since the launch of reform and opening up nearly four decades ago will not be possible without political system reform, and this will remain the case in the future," he said.

The spokesman said China has achieved major and historic achievements in political system reform, which have provided important guarantee for deepening reform in other fields and created better conditions for economic and social development.

China will not copy and replicate the models of other countries in political system reform, the spokesman said.

"Our unique cultural traditions, unique historic experience and unique national conditions determine that we must pursue a path of development suited to our own features," he said.